EZ Lab

Blockchain Registered

The high quality of our rice is guaranteed by the most modern traceability system that based on Blockchain technology.

The millenary tradition of rice meets the innovation of Blockchain technology giving value to the “Made in Italy”.

Our Blockchain Registered rice guarantees quality, transparency and safety.

Thanks to the collaboration with EZ Lab Blockchain Solutions and BASF Agriculture Solutions, the consumer can find out about the origin of every grain, from farm to fork.

It will be possible to easily access every information about agricultural activities, analysis carried out, processing steps of the product, offering maximum transparency of the supply chain.

Choosing Blockchain Registered rice, is the best option both for consumers and society: it guarantees top quality and food safety, supports a responsible and transparent production system, enhance the work of local producers and promotes an adequate food system and environmental protection.

Blockchain traced rice is the best choice for the well-being at the table!

More about EZ Lab

Other collaborations

The passion for innovation


Agricoltural solution Italy

At the Darola estate you might meet the representatives of the Farm Network, a BASF partnership inspired to sustainable agriculture. Together they promote the Italian excellence in rice production, to combine quality and quantity of the crop with the respect for the consumer and the environment, protecting the profitability of the farmer: the widest work on Earth.

More about BASF

University of Turin

Department of Agricultural, Forestry and
Food Sciences (DISAFA)

he company has established a consolidated collaboration with the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences (DISAFA) of the University of Turin, for the development of innovative agronomic techniques and itineraries, addressed to a high quality and healthy rice production with reduced environmental impact.

More about DISAFA